Snowflake Designer - V1.0 Author: Keith Rule EMail: This is a MS-Windows program that allows the creation of 3d models that look like snowflakes. These models can be viewed, and then saved as DXF, or RAW files. Many of the parameters that influence the creation of the snowflake model can be changes by the user by selecting the Options|Options... menu command, and then editing the approprate parameters in the dialog box. Command Summary: File|New - Gets a new random seed and draws the new snowflake. File|Save As... - Allows the snowflake model to be saved as either a 3d DXF file or a 3d RAW file. File|Exit - Exits the program File|About... - Displays the About dialog box. Options|Options... - Displays the Options dialog box. Seed: - This field displays the current random seed. The default value is always 0. Level: - The number of recursion levels used when creating the snowflake model. Two levels is fine in most cases. Arms: - The number of arms in the snowflake. The values 1 - 10 are allowed Sides: - The number of sides for each of the snowflake solids (the values of 3 - 10 are allowed). Z Depth:- Specifies the z thickness of an solid object at each Level:. The thickness if calculated as follows: (1.0 + ZDepth*Level)*Height*YZRatio/100. A value of 0.0 makes all the levels the same z depth. Offset: - This value moves the objects out by the offset value. This value is in screen coordinates. X/Y Ratio-Makes the objects thinner or fatter. Y/Z Ratio-Makes the objects thicker or thinner. This program is freeware, and may be freely distributed. Please send me any bug reports or suggested enhancements. Keith Rule Aug 1, 1994